Tuesday, August 4, 2009


As you can see from the photo the plants are actually starting to grow! I was getting impatient with few signs of progress but after about 2-3 weeks of minimal growth things picked up. After doing some research I have concluded that this is due to the fact that I didn't water the potting mix as I was making it, but rather only gave the newly repotted plants a drink from the top once they were already in the container. So for future plantings I will make sure the mix is moist to prime the uptake of water from the roots.


There are a few issues you have to contend with when creating a rooftop garden. Three of them are:
1) It's hot
2) It's windy
3) Some plants need support to grow

Since I can't bang anything into our roof without springing a leak I had to make a free-standing structure that can hold the buckets off of the hot tar and prevent them from being blown away. Also, this structure can help some of the plants to stay upright.